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The Celebrity Elmo Gives a Summary of 2 John

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This is a fictional Bible reading. Elmo did not actually make this Bible reading.

Hi there, it’s Elmo! Today, I’m going to tell you the story of the Bible book of 2 John. It’s a pretty short book, but it’s got some important stuff in it, so pay attention!

So, the book of 2 John was written by John, who was one of Jesus’ disciples. He wrote it to a lady and her children (we don’t know her name, but maybe we can call her Mama Muppet) to warn them about false teachers who were trying to lead them away from the truth. John urged Mama Muppet and her family to stick to the teachings they had received from the beginning, and to not welcome anyone into their home who didn’t believe in Jesus.

John also warned Mama Muppet about those who denied that Jesus had come in the flesh. He said that anyone who didn’t believe that Jesus was God in human form was a deceiver and an antichrist. Yikes! That’s some pretty heavy stuff.

But John wasn’t all doom and gloom. He encouraged Mama Muppet and her family to love one another and to walk in obedience to God’s commands. He said that anyone who loved God would obey his commands. And he ended the letter with a little greeting from some of his friends.

So, that’s the story of 2 John! It’s a short but important book about staying true to the faith and avoiding false teachers. And as Elmo likes to say, “Remember, always stick to the truth, even if it means sticking out like a fuzzy red thumb!”

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About Elmo

Elmo is a beloved character from the children’s television show Sesame Street. He is a fuzzy, red monster with a high-pitched voice and an infectious giggle. Elmo has been a fan favorite since his relatively recent introduction to the show in 1985, and he quickly became a cultural icon.

Elmo is voiced by various puppeteers who work with the Jim Henson Company, but Kevin Clash is perhaps the best-known performer to portray the character. Clash began performing as Elmo in the mid-1980s and continued to do so until his resignation in 2012.

Elmo has been involved in a number of charitable initiatives over the years, including the Elmo Saves Lives campaign, which aims to promote global vaccines for children. Whether he’s teaching kids about the alphabet or singing a catchy song, Elmo has captured the hearts of millions around the world with his infectious personality and positive message of kindness and acceptance.


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