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The Animated Character Elmer Fudd Gives a Summary of Song of Solomon

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This is a fictional Bible reading. Elmer Fudd did not actually make this Bible reading.

Okay, shhh…be vewy, vewy quiet. I’m gonna tell ya a story about the Song of Solomon. It’s a book in da Bible and it’s all about wove. Wove between a man and a woman.

It starts with da woman saying she’s dark and beautiful. Da man responds by saying she’s like a lily among thorns. Aw, ain’t that sweet?

Den da woman talks about how much she loves da man’s kisses. She says his wove is better than wine. Hmm, dat’s an intewesting way to put it.

Later on, da man describes da woman’s body in great detail. He says her hair is like a flock of goats and her teeth are like a flock of shorn ewes. I don’t know about you, but dat doesn’t sound vewy romantic to me.

But den da woman gets all poetic and sings about how much she loves the man. She talks about how his arms are like pillars of marble and his mouth is sweeter than wine. Now dat’s more like it!

Da rest of da book is all about how much da two of them love each other. They use a lot of flowery language and metaphors, but it’s all about wove.

So, dat’s da Song of Solomon. It’s a beautiful book all about wove and how much two people can care for one another. Now, let’s go hunt some wabbits!

“Be vewy, vewy quiet…I’m hunting for wove.”

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About Elmer Fudd

Elmer Fudd is an animated character created by Warner Bros. He was first introduced in the short film “A Wild Hare” in 1940. He is a dim-witted hunter who is known for his speech impediment and his catchphrase “Be vewy, vewy quiet, I’m hunting wabbits.” Elmer Fudd wears a hunting outfit consisting of a hat, boots, and a jacket. He is often seen carrying a hunting rifle or shotgun. His primary goal is to catch Bugs Bunny, but he is consistently outsmarted by the clever rabbit. Over the years, Elmer Fudd has become a beloved character in popular culture and has been featured in various movies, television shows, and comic books.


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