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Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon with Zacharias from the Bible

Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon with Zacharias from the Bible

The popular game "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" challenges players to connect any movie actor to Kevin Bacon in six steps or fewer. However, can we connect Zacharias from the Bible to Kevin Bacon in six steps? Let’s take a shot at it!

  1. Zacharias was a priest in the Temple in Jerusalem. One of his duties was to burn incense in the sanctuary.

  2. In the Gospel of Luke, we learn that Zacharias was married to Elizabeth, who was also a relative of Mary, the mother of Jesus.

  3. Mary’s husband, Joseph, according to the Bible, was a carpenter by trade. Joseph is a significant figure in the Bible, as he played an essential role in the life of Jesus.

  4. One of the most popular movies Kevin Bacon has starred in is "Footloose." In the movie, he played the role of Ren McCormack, a teenager who moves to a small town where dancing is forbidden. The movie features a lot of dancing, which is a significant part of the plot.

  5. The choreographer for "Footloose" was Lynne Taylor-Corbett. She was instrumental in making the dance sequences in the movie come to life.

  6. Lynne Taylor-Corbett also choreographed the dance numbers in the movie "Dirty Dancing," which featured Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey.

Bible Verse: "And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord." – Luke 1:17

In conclusion, we have connected Zacharias from the Bible to Kevin Bacon in six steps by exploring some exciting trivia about the people mentioned. Though there may be an infinite number of connections between any two people, this exercise reminds us of the vast network of relationships that exist in our world. We must appreciate the significance of our connections and relationships with others, just as Zacharias was connected to Elizabeth and Mary.

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