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Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon with Timothy from the Bible

Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon with Timothy from the Bible

The game of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon is a popular party game that connects any Hollywood actor to Kevin Bacon within six steps, using shared movie credits. But have you ever thought about connecting a Bible character to Kevin Bacon? Let’s try with Timothy!

  1. Timothy to the Apostle Paul
    Timothy was a protégé of the Apostle Paul, who played a crucial role in spreading Christianity in the first century. Paul was originally named Saul and was a persecutor of Christians until he had a life-changing encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus.

  2. Apostle Paul to Peter the Apostle
    Peter was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus and was a leader in the early Christian church. He is also known as the "rock" on which Jesus built his church. Paul and Peter had a bit of a disagreement in the early church but eventually reconciled.

  3. Peter the Apostle to Mary Magdalene
    Mary Magdalene was a devoted follower of Jesus and was present at his crucifixion and resurrection. She is often depicted as a prostitute, but there is no biblical evidence to support this claim. Peter and Mary Magdalene were both present at the empty tomb on Easter morning.

  4. Mary Magdalene to John the Baptist
    John the Baptist was a prophet who preached repentance and baptized people in the Jordan River. He was also a cousin of Jesus. Mary Magdalene and John the Baptist were both followers of Jesus and likely knew each other.

  5. John the Baptist to King Herod
    King Herod was a ruler of Judea during the time of Jesus and was known for his cruelty and paranoia. He ordered the execution of John the Baptist after John publicly criticized him for marrying his brother’s wife.

  6. King Herod to Kevin Bacon (as King Sebastian in "Black Mass")
    In the film "Black Mass," Kevin Bacon played the role of King Sebastian, a fictionalized version of King Herod. "Black Mass" is a crime drama about the Boston Irish Mob and their connection to the FBI.

In conclusion, Timothy is connected to Kevin Bacon through six steps of separation, all the way from the first century to the 21st century. While some of the connections are fictionalized, they all have their roots in biblical history and Hollywood storytelling.

Bible verse related to Timothy:
"For this reason, I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands." – 2 Timothy 1:6 (NIV)

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