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Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon with Jonathan from the Bible

Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon with Jonathan from the Bible

Have you ever played the game "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon"? The goal is to connect any actor to Kevin Bacon through their films and co-stars within six steps or less. Well, let’s play the game with Jonathan from the Bible and see how many steps it takes to connect him to Kevin Bacon!

Step 1: Jonathan was the son of King Saul. Saul was played by James Callis in the TV series "Of Kings and Prophets".
Step 2: James Callis also played Dr. Gaius Baltar in the TV series "Battlestar Galactica".
Step 3: Tricia Helfer played Number Six in "Battlestar Galactica".
Step 4: Tricia Helfer also appeared in the TV series "Lucifer" as Charlotte Richards.
Step 5: Tom Welling played Marcus Pierce in "Lucifer".
Step 6: Tom Welling co-starred with Kevin Bacon in the movie "The Fog".

Wow, we made it in six steps! Did you know that Tom Welling played Clark Kent/Superman in the TV series "Smallville" for 10 seasons? And Tricia Helfer is a former model and played a recurring role in the TV series "Burn Notice". Now, let’s wrap up with a Bible verse related to Jonathan.

"Therefore Jonathan made a covenant with the house of David, saying, ‘May the Lord call David’s enemies to account.’" – 1 Samuel 20:16

This verse shows the loyalty and friendship that Jonathan had for David despite his father Saul’s jealousy and attempts to harm him. May we also strive for such strong and righteous relationships in our own lives.

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