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Word of Life Wreath – a John 1 Craft

Word of Life Wreath – a John 1 Craft


  • Paper plate
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Colored paper or markers
  • Bible or printout of John 1


  1. Cut out the center of the paper plate to create a wreath shape.
  2. Cut out strips of colored paper or use markers to write out verses from John 1, such as "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
  3. Glue the strips of paper onto the wreath in a circular pattern, overlapping them to create a layered effect.
  4. Cut out small leaves or other decorative shapes from the colored paper and glue them onto the wreath as well.
  5. Cut out the words "Word of Life" from colored paper or write them with markers, and glue them onto the center of the wreath.
  6. Optional: add additional decorations such as glitter or stickers.


Hang the Word of Life Wreath in a prominent place as a reminder of the powerful message of John 1 and the importance of Jesus as the Word of Life. Take time to read and reflect on the verses as a family or individual, and use the wreath as a starting point for discussions about faith and the Word of God.

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