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Stormy Seas Sailboat – a Matthew 8 Craft

Stormy Seas Sailboat – a Matthew 8 Craft


  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Paint/markers
  • Toothpicks
  • Construction paper (optional)


  1. Cut out a sailboat shape from cardboard.
  2. Paint the cardboard sailboat blue to represent the sea.
  3. Using construction paper or paint, create waves and a stormy sky.
  4. Cut out a small figure of Jesus and glue him to the sailboat.
  5. Create sails by cutting out triangles from construction paper or cardboard. Decorate the sails with paint or markers.
  6. Attach the sails to toothpicks and insert the toothpicks into the sailboat.
  7. Glue the sailboat onto the cardboard waves.


The Stormy Seas Sailboat craft is based on the story of Jesus calming the storm in Matthew 8. This story teaches us that even in the midst of life’s storms, we can have faith in Jesus to calm the waves and bring peace to our lives. The small figure of Jesus on the sailboat is a reminder to trust in him during difficult times. The waves and stormy sky represent the challenges we face in life, but the sailboat with its sturdy sails reminds us that we can navigate through these challenges with Jesus as our guide.

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