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Roots of Faith – a Romans 11 Craft

Roots of Faith – a Romans 11 Craft

Materials Needed:

  • Small terra cotta pots
  • Potting soil
  • Small plants or seeds (such as herbs or flowers)
  • Permanent markers or paint pens
  • Bible verse printouts
  • Glue or tape


  1. Start by filling each terra cotta pot with potting soil.
  2. Plant a small plant or seeds in each pot.
  3. Using permanent markers or paint pens, write different Bible verses from Romans 11 on the outside of each pot. Some verses to consider include:
    • "For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen." (Romans 11:36)
    • "Do not be arrogant, but tremble." (Romans 11:20)
    • "God has not rejected his people whom he foreknew." (Romans 11:2)
    • "How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!" (Romans 11:33)
  4. Once the markers or paint has dried, cut out small printouts of each Bible verse and attach them to a popsicle stick or small dowel rod using glue or tape.
  5. Stick each verse into the corresponding pot, creating a small garden of faith rooted in the teachings of Romans 11.


  • Consider adding small decorative stones, shells, or other decorative elements to each pot.
  • Encourage children to personalize their pots by adding their names or drawings to the outside.
  • Discuss the significance of the roots of a plant and how they relate to our own roots of faith in God.

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