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Glorifying Unity – a Romans 15 Craft.

Glorifying Unity – A Romans 15 Craft

Materials Needed:

  • Wooden frame
  • Paint (white, blue, green, and yellow)
  • Paint brushes
  • Printed Romans 15:5-6 verse
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Twine


  1. Paint the wooden frame with white paint and let it dry.
  2. Once the white paint has dried, paint the top and bottom borders of the frame with blue paint.
  3. After the blue paint has dried, paint the sides of the frame with green paint.
  4. Paint small yellow dots randomly on the green paint, representing the unity of different people coming together to create something beautiful.
  5. Print out Romans 15:5-6 verses on a piece of paper, and cut out the verses into small squares.
  6. Glue the squares onto the white part of the frame.
  7. Tie a piece of twine on the back of the frame, creating a loop for hanging.


This craft represents the unity that is talked about in Romans 15. As we come together, we are able to create something beautiful and glorify God. The blue and green colors represent different groups of people coming together as one, while the yellow dots represent the unique contributions each person brings. As we hang this craft in our homes or give it as a gift, we can be reminded of the importance of unity and how it can bring beauty to our lives.

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