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Fruitful Spirit – a Galatians 6 Craft

Fruitful Spirit – a Galatians 6 Craft

Materials Needed

  • Fruit-shaped foam or felt pieces (apples, grapes, bananas, etc.)
  • Markers or paint
  • Glue
  • Ribbon or string
  • Scissors


  1. Begin by reading Galatians 6:7-8 with your group.
  2. Discuss the importance of sowing good seeds and the concept of reaping what you sow.
  3. Have each person choose a fruit and decorate it with markers or paint to represent what they want to sow (e.g. kindness, love, patience, etc.).
  4. Cut out a small leaf shape from green foam or felt and write Galatians 6:8 on it.
  5. Glue the leaf onto the fruit and attach a ribbon or string to create a loop for hanging.
  6. Display the fruit in a prominent place as a reminder to sow good seeds in all areas of life and reap the benefits of a fruitful spirit.


  • Instead of foam or felt, use real fruit and create a fruit basket to display.
  • Have each person write down actions or behaviors they want to sow and attach them to their fruit with small pieces of paper.
  • Use this craft as an opportunity to discuss the fruits of the spirit listed in Galatians 5:22-23 and create a set of fruit-shaped decorations to represent each one.

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