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Babylon’s Fall – a Revelation 18 Craft

Babylon’s Fall – a Revelation 18 Craft


  • Small cardboard box
  • Black and red paint
  • Paintbrushes
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Gold glitter
  • Black construction paper
  • Printed image of the Tower of Babel


  1. Begin by painting the cardboard box black. Allow it to dry completely.
  2. Use red paint to paint the top of the box, leaving a small border of black around the edges. Allow it to dry completely.
  3. Cut out small strips of black construction paper. Glue them to the sides of the box to create a "bricked" effect.
  4. Print out an image of the Tower of Babel and cut it out. Glue it to the top of the box.
  5. Use gold glitter to embellish the Tower of Babel and the sides of the box.
  6. Finally, using black paint, write "Babylon has fallen" on the front of the box.

This craft represents the fall of Babylon as described in Revelation 18. The black and red colors symbolize destruction and judgment, while the gold glitter represents the wealth and riches of Babylon that were destroyed. The Tower of Babel, a symbol of man’s arrogance, especially fits well with the theme of the craft. This craft can be displayed in your home, reminding you of God’s power and justice.

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