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Breaking News ### Philippians 2:5-8 ###

Breaking news: Philippians 2:5-8 reveals humility of Jesus Christ. In a shocking turn of events, the Son of God voluntarily took on human form, humbling himself to the point of death on a cross. This act of selflessness has sent shockwaves through the religious community, challenging believers to follow in His footsteps. Full story at 11.


Howdy y’all, it’s Jude here. Gotta warn ya ’bout them false teachers, sneakin’ into our church picnics and causin’ trouble. They ain’t got no respect for authority, spoutin’ off nonsense. But don’t y’all worry, we’ll show ’em the door faster than a possum up a tree. Keep yer faith strong, y’all. Yeehaw!

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Don’t worry ‘bout tomorrow, just chill
God got ya back, no need to get ill
Live in the moment, no need to fret
Trust in the Lord, no need to sweat
Just focus on today, be at ease
His plan is perfect, no worries, just peace.