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August 10, 2024

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Breaking News ### Psalm 46:1 ###

BREAKING: Psalm 46:1 – “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” In an unprecedented statement, sources confirm that God remains a steadfast protector and source of power in times of crisis. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story. #GodIsOurRefuge #BreakingNews #Psalm46:1


Chillax Verse of the Day Isaiah 62:4!

So like, God’s gonna be all stoked about, like, Jerusalem and is gonna call it like, ‘My Delight Is In Her’, and it’s gonna be all good vibes and like, totally rad, ya know? It’s gonna be like the ultimate chill spot, where all the cool cats will wanna hang out.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 8:10-11!

Well shucks, in John 8:10-11, Jesus done told that gal who was caught in adultery, “Hey, where them accusers at? Ain’t none left to condemn ya? Well then, neither do I. Go on now, and sin no more.” Some good ol’ hillbilly wisdom right there, y’all!