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May 13, 2024

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Verse of the Day Rap of Isaiah 58:10-11!

If you show kindness to the hungry and help those in need,
You’ll shine bright like a light, yes indeed!
Your troubles will disappear, like the dawn of day,
God will guide you, always showing you the way.
So throw your hands up, do good deeds with glee,
And blessings will flow, just you wait and see!


Breaking News ### Proverbs 31:30 ###

Breaking News: Proverbs 31:30 reveals the secret to true beauty – “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” This biblical verse emphasizes the importance of inner qualities over physical appearance, setting a new standard for what it means to be truly beautiful. Tune in for more details.


The Seven Bowls of Gods Wrath

In the book of Revelations, God’s wrath is revealed through the seven bowls that bring judgment upon the earth. The symbolism found in these passages can be a source of comfort and hope for seniors facing challenging times. Understanding the significance of these bowls can provide strength and encouragement for those in their later years.


The Seven Angels with the Seven Last Plagues

In Revelation 15, seven angels are described as pouring out the seven last plagues, signaling the end times. This powerful narrative reminds adults of the importance of faith and repentance in the face of divine judgment. It serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of straying from the path of righteousness.


Chillax Verse of the Day Romans 12:10-13!

Dude, like, let’s be tight bros. Always have each other’s backs, man. Be real chill and show mad love to your homies. Seriously, keep the good vibes flowing, invite friends over for hangouts and BBQs. Share what you got, even if it’s just some PB&J. Just keep the good times rollin’, man.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 John 5:13!

Ah reckon if’n y’all dun believin’ in Jebus, ya kin be knowin’ fer shore dat y’all got eturnal life comin’ yer way. Y’all kin shore as a possum in a pawpaw tree be knowin’ dat da Good Book dun sez so, ‘cuz it don’t lie like a dog on a hot day.