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May 10, 2024

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Verse of the Day Rap of Psalm 16:8!

Yo, God’s always by my side, ain’t no lie
I stay close, He won’t let me go astray
In His presence, I rock and I sway
Through thick and thin, He’s my guide all the way
So I keep my eyes on Him, every single day


Breaking News ### Matthew 18:15 ###

Today, a new protocol for conflict resolution was revealed in Matthew 18:15. It encourages individuals to address issues directly with one another in a private setting, rather than spreading gossip or involving outside parties. This method aims to promote reconciliation and maintain peace within communities. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.


Chillax Verse of the Day Ephesians 4:32!

Dude, like, be chill and show some love and forgiveness to each other, man. Don’t be all harsh and angry, bro. Just be cool like, and show kindness and mercy, ya dig? It’s like, the groovy thing to do, man. Just spread those good vibes, dude. Peace out!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Timothy 5:10!

Timothy 5:10 ‘Sister Sally done helped them folks in need, she cooked, cleaned, and sasparilla did feed. She done washed the feet of them holy saints, her good deeds brought her lots of thanks and ain’t no doubt she’s heaven-bound, cause Sister Sally’s the best ’round town.’