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April 27, 2024

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Jesus and the significance of the Feast of Unleavened Bread

The Feast of Unleavened Bread holds significant religious and historical importance in the life of Jesus. It is a time of reflection and celebration for young children to understand the symbolism behind the unleavened bread and its connection to the Passover story. This feast serves as a reminder of God’s deliverance and faithfulness throughout history.


Celebrating with Joy and Gratitude during the Feast of Unleavened Bread

During the Feast of Unleavened Bread, children can participate in age-appropriate activities that celebrate the holiday with joy and gratitude. From making unleavened bread to learning about the significance of this annual observance in Jewish tradition, there are many ways to engage young children in the festivities and foster a sense of appreciation for the blessings in their lives.


Jesus as the Passover Lamb

In the celebration of Passover, young children can learn about Jesus as the ultimate Passover Lamb. Just as the blood of the lamb saved the Israelites from destruction, Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross offers salvation to all who believe in Him. This important connection helps children understand the significance of Passover and the love Jesus has for them.


The Feast of Unleavened Bread

The Feast of Unleavened Bread is a time when families come together to remember the powerful story of the Israelites escaping slavery in Egypt. For young children, it’s a chance to participate in traditions like removing leavened bread from the home and making matzah. It’s a hands-on way to learn about faith, freedom, and gratitude.


Verse of the Day Rap of Romans 8:31!

Yo, if God is for us, who can be against us?
Drop that fear, ain’t no need to fuss.
He’s got our back, no need to doubt,
We’re rollin’ with Him, we gonna shout!
So bring it on, haters gonna hate,
But with God on our side, we’re feelin’ great!


Breaking News ### Luke 19:10 ###

BREAKING NEWS: Luke 19:10 reveals Jesus’ mission to seek and save the lost. In a shocking statement, Jesus declares, “For the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost.” This revelation has sent shockwaves through the community, challenging societal norms and calling for a radical shift in perspective on salvation. Stay tuned for more updates.


Chillax Verse of the Day Romans 12:15!

Dude, like, be cool and like, feel the vibes with your buds. Love ’em when they’re up, love ’em when they’re down. Just be chill and ride that good karma wave, man. Spread those positive vibes like confetti at a party, bro. Peace and love, my dudes.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 4:27!

Stay away from them shifty paths, don’t let yer feet wander off into swampy territory. Keep yer eyes straight ahead, don’t git sidetracked by nothin’ temptin’. Watch where yer goin’, and stay on the right path like a crawdad skitterin’ through the mud – ya hear?