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January 30, 2024

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Animals and Plants in Gods Creation

In God’s creation, animals and plants play a vital role. They showcase the beauty and diversity of the natural world and teach us about the importance of caring for the environment. It’s essential for young children to learn about the significance of these living beings and to understand the important role they play in God’s creation.


Verse of the Day Rap of Acts 2:36-41!

Yo, listen up, it’s time to hear the truth,
Jesus is Lord, don’t be uncouth.
Repent and get baptized, that’s the plan,
Receive the Holy Spirit, be part of the clan.
Three thousand believed, they did not scoff,
So come on now, let’s all get off.


Breaking News ### Ephesians 4:2 ###

“Breaking News: Ephesians 4:2 advises to bear with one another in love, preserving unity and peace. This directive comes from the Bible and encourages people to be patient, kind, and understanding towards each other. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining harmony and cohesion in relationships for the greater good of the community.”


Chillax Verse of the Day Psalm 9:1-2!

Dude, I’m totally stoked to give thanks to the Big Guy upstairs. I’m gonna rock out and tell everyone about His epic deeds. I’m gonna be all about praising Him and chilling out over how awesome He is. Can’t wait to spread the word about His killer wonders! Peace out.