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January 2, 2024

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Verse of the Day Rap of Matthew 19:8-9!

Yo, peeps listen up to what I gotta say
Moses let you divorce but it ain’t ok
God’s plan is for y’all to stick together forever
Splitting up just ain’t clever
Find a way to work it out, don’t be a quitter
Cuz marriage is a sacred commitment, no Twitter!


Following the Light of Christ

Discover the significance of following the light of Christ in adulthood through a study of Matthew 2:1-12 and Matthew 3:13-17. As adults, we can be inspired by the example of the wise men who sought Jesus and by Jesus’ own baptism. Let us seek to follow the light of Christ in our lives and be guided by his teachings.


Seeking Jesus: The Wise Mens Journey

The story of the wise men seeking Jesus in Matthew 2:1-12 offers valuable lessons for adults. Their journey was one of perseverance, faith, and dedication to finding the Savior. As adults, we can draw inspiration from their example and renew our own commitment to seeking Jesus in our lives. This timeless story reminds us to seek spiritual fulfillment with unwavering determination.


Breaking News ### Psalm 90:12 ###

Breaking News: Psalm 90:12 reminds us to “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” The biblical verse calls for reflection on the brevity of life and the importance of using our time wisely. This message serves as a timely reminder to live purposefully and make the most of each day.


Chillax Verse of the Day Matthew 5:9!

Hey man, like, blessed are the chill dudes, for they’ll totally score some peace, bro. It’s all about avoiding drama and spreading good vibes, you know? Just keep the positive energy flowing and you’ll be living the dream, man. Peace out, dude.