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November 10, 2023

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The Blessing of Companionship: Pets as Gifts from God

Young children can benefit greatly from the companionship of a pet. Whether it’s a loyal dog or a friendly cat, pets teach kids about responsibility, empathy, and unconditional love. Studies have shown that children who grow up with pets tend to have higher self-esteem and improved social skills. Pets truly are a blessing from God for young children.


Honoring God with our finances through joyful giving

As adults, we have a responsibility to honor God with our finances, including giving cheerfully to our church and tithing faithfully. When we give joyfully, we are acknowledging God’s provision and sovereignty over our lives. It is a way to express gratitude and trust in God’s plan for our finances and demonstrate our commitment to the work of the church.


Verse of the Day Rap of Genesis 1:26!

Yo God said, “Let us make man in our image,
So they can rule ova every land and every village.
They’ll be in charge of all animals, fish, and birds,
No one else in this world can match their dope words.”

God gave us the power to be kings and queens,
Now that’s a fate fit for some awesome human beings!


Breaking News ### Job 37:5-6 ###

“Breaking News: Job 37:5-6
In an astonishing display of power, God’s voice thunders across the earth, unleashing his wondrous works. His commands bring forth snow and rain, controlling the weather with incredible precision. This awe-inspiring revelation of God’s authority has left witnesses in awe and wonder.”