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November 5, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Matthew 22:29!

Yo, homie Jesus dropped a verse, you won’t believe
He said “You’re mistaken and you’re lacking knowledge, please
Dudes don’t understand the power from above
Those who don’t know Scriptures, man, they’re really off
God’s got power, and He’s always gonna reign
So study up, don’t be lame, don’t be plain.”


Breaking News ### Romans 13:6 ###

Breaking News: Romans 13:6
In a stunning development, Romans 13:6 reveals a divine message for justice and societal order! “For because of this, you also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God.” Is this a call to heed authority and contribute to society? This Bible verse prompts a deeper understanding of civic duty and God’s plan. Stay tuned for more biblical revelations! #Romans13:6


Gods Wonderful Creation: You Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!

Discover the awe-inspiring truth behind Psalms 139:14 – “You are fearfully and wonderfully made!” In this captivating article, we explore how God uniquely crafted every young child, reflecting His divine artistry. From their boundless energy to their curious minds, dive into the marvelous creation of young children and witness the beauty and creativity of God’s handiwork.


Chillax Verse of the Day Micah 7:8!

Dude, don’t be bummed out when life gets gnarly, Bro. Keep chillin’ like a boss, ’cause in the end, things always work out. The good vibes will totally make you bounce back, my dude. Just hang loose, trust the universe, and let the good waves keep flowin’. Peace out, my righteous friend.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Acts 15:35!

Now Paul an’ Barnabas tarried in Antioch, teachin’ an’ preachin’ the Lord’s word, whilst many others also preached righteousness with’em. They was havin’ themselves a good ole time sharin’ their blessin’s. Or at least ’til they parted company an’ Barnabas took John along, while Paul went with Silas, headin’ out on a new mission. Yeehaw!