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September 7, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Romans 12:2!

Yo, peeps, listen up to what I gotta say,
Romans 12:2 is the verse of the day.
Don’t conform to the world, nah, don’t be a clone,
But transform your mind, let your true self be known.

Don’t be like butter, melted and weak,
But let God’s Word make you unique.
Don’t let the world’s trends be your guide,
But let God’s will be your pride.

So, homies, renew your minds, elevate your game,
Let God’s truth ignite your inner flame.
Stay true to yourself, don’t follow the trend,
‘Cause being transformed is where it’s at, my friend.


Breaking News ### Colossians 1:28 ###

BREAKING: Apostle Paul’s Message Touches All Nations! Colossians 1:28 reveals his commitment to spreading Christ’s teachings astonishingly widely. Uncensored and courageous, Paul tirelessly labors to present every individual “mature in Christ,” rebuking with fierce love and guiding them towards everlasting glory. His dedication to preaching resounds around the world, transforming countless lives in awe-inspiring fashion. Unmissable spiritual revolution!


Chillax Verse of the Day Romans 14:13!

Hey man, check it out. Romans 14:13 goes like this: “Don’t be a buzzkill, alright? Make the choice to not harsh anyone’s vibe, understand? Don’t judge your fellow cats, we’re all on our own trips. Just focus on being chill and living in peace, man. Keep the good vibes flowin’ and let everyone do their thing.” Peace out, bro.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Corinthians 10:24!

Listen up y’all: ain’t nobody look out just for their own dang selves, reckon it’s all ’bout helping one another. Don’t be actin’ all highfalutin, but show some dadgum consideration. Remember, it ain’t just ’bout you! So quit bein’ a hog and start showin’ some love, ya hear?