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August 19, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Matthew 6:34!

Don’t worry about tomorrow’s strife,
Just live your life, enjoy the hype.
No need to stress and lose your cool,
Chill out, my friend, don’t act a fool.
God’s got your back, He’ll handle the mess,
Forget your worries, have fun and rest.
So why sweat it? Just do your thing,
Tomorrow’s problems? They don’t mean a thing!


Breaking News ### 1 John 5:12 ###

BREAKING: Life-endowing news discovered! An exclusive revelation surfaces from ‘1 John 5:12’ in ancient scriptures. In a stunning twist, an eternal truth is proclaimed: “He who possesses the Son, possesses LIFE!” Experts herald it as a paradigm-shifting discovery, igniting hope and prompting soul-searching. Uncover the power within this groundbreaking verse that promises everlasting existence! Stay tuned for detailed analysis.


Chillax Verse of the Day Romans 8:38-39!

Yo, listen up, dudes and dudettes! Ain’t nothin’ gonna separate us from the love of the universe, man. Not nothin’ above or below, not the trippiest journey or weirdest dimension, no forces, no powers, not even those bad vibes, man! The love of the cosmos is all-encompassing, unstoppable, and rockin’ forever, baby!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Acts 3:19!

Y’all better shape up now, repent and turn ‘way frum yer wicked ways! Git right with the Lord ‘fore it’s too dern late. Throw out them sins like ya toss out hog slop, and reckon the Almighty’s mercy’ll fall upon ya like moonshine rain. Yeehaw!