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August 12, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Ezekiel 36:1-38!

Verse 1:
Yo, pay attention, all around the globe,
Now hear the words of the prophet, Ezekiel, bro!
Verse 2:
Hey mountains and valleys, it’s time for a clean,
A land makeover, freshest you’ve ever seen.
Verse 3:
But hold up, wait a minute, don’t get it twisted,
It ain’t ’cause of your merit, it’s God that insisted.
Verse 4:
I’ll multiply your people, you’ll be super-sized,
Your cities rebuilt, looking oh so fly.
Verse 5:
It’s not for your sake, no need to boast,
I’ll do it all to prove I love you the most.
Verse 6:
I’ll bring the rain, the fruitful rain game,
Your fields will yield like a top-notch domain.
Verse 7:
You’ll prosper and flourish, no more despair,
Everyone will know that my favor’s declared.
Verse 8:
The ruins are gone, you’ll be flourishing guys,
Your land will rejoice, oh, what a prize!
Verse 9:
You won’t be called names, no more mockery,
No longer a target for folks’ treachery.
Verse 10:
I’ll fill your cities with people so grand,
My blessings will flow, unstoppable like sand.
Verse 11:
Your land won’t be empty, no ghost towns to see,
People will know that it’s all thanks to me.
Verse 12:
You’ll walk my path, like a man on a mission,
Know that I’m God, and listen with precision.
Verse 13:
Those once deserted, now new settlements arise,
Your farms will be fruitful, no more compromise.
Verse 14:
Heart of stone, I’ll replace it with dedication,
Serving me fully will be your foundation.
Verse 15:
Your neighbors will see, and they’ll be in awe,
At the blessings I bring without even a flaw.
Verse 16:
No more famines, I’ll bring you plenty to eat,
Land of milk and honey, satisfaction complete.
Verse 17:
Your grain will be bountiful, your wine will be sweet,
My people will thrive, no longer gonna meet defeat.
Verse 18:
Remember your sins, why you were exiled,
Now that you’ve returned, smile and be reconciled.
Verse 19:
I’ll cleanse you anew, like a fresh summer rain,
All guilt and stains gone, you’ll feel no more pain.
Verse 20:
Your past actions will haunt you no more,
My love will restore and life will adore.
Verse 21:
I’ll take you back, my bride, so dear,
An everlasting covenant, you’ll always be near.
Verse 22:
Mountains and fields, all creation, take heed,
I’ll make a comeback, you’ll see, indeed.
Verse 23:
Nations will know that I’m the real deal,
As I show them my name, their hearts I will heal.
Verse 24:
I’ll gather my people from every land,
Show them mercy, with love, hand in hand.
Verse 25:
I’ll cleanse you with water, a spiritual bath,
A fresh new beginning, wiping away the past.
Verse 26:
I’ll give you a new spirit, pure to the core,
A heart filled with love, rockin’ to your core.
Verse 27:
My laws you’ll abide, my commands you will keep,
Your faithfulness to me, never gonna sleep.
Verse 28:
You’ll live in the land I promised to give,
Protected and cherished, for as long as you live.
Verse 29:
I’ll bless you greatly, a blessing so grand,
Giving you more crops than your fields can withstand.
Verse 30:
You’ll look around, see your abundant nation,
No more humiliation, just pure jubilation.
Verse 31:
You’ll remember the past, the terrible strife,
Now living my abundant, eternal life.
Verse 32:
No more shame on your name, no longer you’ll roam,
You’ll be my people, and I’ll be your home.
Verse 33:
The land will blossom, like Eden it’ll show,
Blessings so many, an overflow.
Verse 34:
The land will be tamed, deserts will rejoice,
Birds singing, wildlife thriving, even raising their voice.
Verse 35:
Cities will flourish and fields will be blessed,
Behold the beauty, God’s love is the best.
Verse 36:
People from far and wide, they’ll flock to this place,
To witness my grace and embrace my embrace.
Verse 37:
Multiply, oh family, like never before,
My people, rejoice, this is what I’ve in store.
Verse 38:
The land will be populated, your enemies dismayed,
For it is I, your God, who won’t be swayed.


Breaking News ### 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 ###

Breaking News: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 reveals shocking truth about our bodies! In a stunning revelation, the Apostle Paul declares that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, not to be defiled. Urging us to honor God with our bodies, he emphasizes that we do not belong to ourselves but were bought at a high price. Stay tuned for more!


Chillax Verse of the Day Isaiah 26:1-6!

Yo, listen up, my fellow dudes and dudettes! Isaiah was like, “Picture this, man: we livin’ in a righteous city, all calm and tranquil vibes. A solid wall of peace surrounds us, no stress gets through. We got trust in the divine, maintaining perfect harmony, like easy listening tunes for the soul. Far out, right?”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Mark 10:13-14!

So there them disciples was thinkin’ they too high an’ mighty to let the young’uns come to Jesus. He got all riled up, said, “Hold yer horses! Y’all best lemme tell ya, the Kingdom o’ God belongs to these lil’ sassafrases. Don’t be actin’ all snooty, reckon we all gotta be child-like ta git in.”