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July 29, 2023

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Breaking News ### Psalm 119:93 ###

Breaking News: Psalm 119:93 – The Power of Life-Transforming Words Unleashed

In a stunning spiritual revelation, Psalm 119:93 declares the supremacy of divine principles. Proclaiming that the divine principles are nourishment to believers, they hold the power to transform lives. This revelatory verse unveils the potency of sacred words, offering hope and guidance to a world thirsty for profound meaning and purpose.


Chillax Verse of the Day Acts 2:37-39!

Yo, peeps! Picture this: the people in the crowd heard the mad wisdom from Peter, and their minds were completely blown, dude. They were like, “Yo, Peter, what can we do to be saved?” And Peter was all like, “Chillax, my dudes, just repent and be baptized and peace will flow your way. No worries, man.”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 71:18!

Well now, Lord, don’t ya go castin’ me off in my old age like yesterday’s whiskey. Ya know I gotta keep preachin’ ’bout yer mighty deeds and goodness. So keep me kickin’ and hollerin’, ’cause this old hillbilly ain’t done spreadin’ yer praises ’round these parts. Yeehaw!