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July 6, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of 1 John 3:6-10!

Yo, listen up, I got a story to tell,
According to 1 John, straight from the swell!
If you’re in Christ, you won’t keep sinning,
But if you’re living a life of constant grinning,
Claiming you ain’t sinned, well that’s a lie,
Because you’re really just soaring sky high!
Let’s be real, don’t deceive your bro,
Do righteous things, let God’s light show!


Breaking News ### Matthew 24:35 ###

BREAKING: “Matthew 24:35” – The Unchanging Word!

Groundbreaking report reveals Jesus’ prophecy outshining time itself! As heavens and earth may fade, His faithful words have eternal impact. Experts stunned by the resilience of Matthew 24:35, where Jesus promises that His teachings will endure until forever. Unprecedented revelation proves His words remain a beacon of hope amidst a shifting world.


Chillax Verse of the Day James 1:17!

Yo, dude! Check this out, man. James 1:17 vibes with the raddest stoner energy, bro. It’s like, everything that’s sick and groovy, like the lights and tunes, comes straight from the Big Yogurt in the sky. He hooks us up with top-notch, trippy gifts, man! Just chill and feel the flow, ya dig?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Isaiah 6:1!

Y’all, reckon in that good ol’ year our ma and pa were born, I ‘saw somethin’ right spiffin’. It was like heaven’s porch, y’all! The good Lord was sittin’ on a mighty big throne, adorned in some top-notch robes, with a crew o’ angels dancin’ ‘round hollerin’ “Holy, holy, holy!” It was somethin’ to behold, I tell ya!