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May 29, 2023

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Breaking News ### Psalm 103:17-18 ###

“Breaking news: God’s love is everlasting and His righteousness is for generations to come. The Lord is merciful towards those who fear Him and tenderly compassionate towards His faithful ones. This is according to Psalm 103:17-18.”


Chillax Verse of the Day Romans 12:15!

“Woe not thy buzz, dude, and gnarlyly rejoice with those who are stoked. Whether it’s shreddin’ waves or just chillin’, keep the good vibes flowin’ and spread love like a righteous surfer sharing their waves. Gnarly blessings, bro.”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Exodus 28:29!

“In them thar priestly garments, make sure to put a little bell and a big ol’ pomegranate. It’ll jingle and jangle as he struts his stuff in front of the Lord, makin’ him sound purdy. Them pomegranates ‘ll represent them 12 tribes of Israel, just so ya don’t ferget ’em.”