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May 14, 2023

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Verse of the Day Rap of Romans 1:26-27!

Yo listen up, let me tell you a story,
‘Bout the Romans and their love of glory.
But some turned from God, went off track,
Started lovin’ same sex, got a smack.
Girls with girls, guys with guys,
God said no, but they didn’t realize.
So remember y’all, stay straight and true,
‘Cause God’s always watching what you do.


Breaking News ### Psalm 139:13-14 ###

BREAKING NEWS: “Psalm 139:13-14” reveals groundbreaking discovery that every human life, including yours, is fearfully and wonderfully made by God. This scripture affirms that every aspect of your being was intentionally crafted by a divine creator. Stay tuned for more on this life-changing revelation. #PurposefulDesign #MoreThanConquerors


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 141:4!

“Hey y’all, watch yer talkin’, ‘cuz the good Lord’s listenin’. ‘N reckon ya don’t wanna git on his bad side. So let’s keep our trap shut ‘n keep the peace. No need fer no fussin’ ‘n cussin’ up in here, y’hear? Psalm 141:4, y’all!”