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May 10, 2023

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Breaking News ### Matthew 18:15 ###

Breaking News: “Matthew 18:15” – in a shocking turn of events, Jesus instructs his followers on how to handle conflict within the church. In a powerful message, he emphasizes the importance of reconciliation and encourages confronting those who have faltered. This message is sure to shake up the religious community and shift their focus towards peace.


Chillax Verse of the Day John 3:23!

Dude, like, check it out – in John Three Twenty-Three, it says that John was baptizing people in a place called Aenon near Salim. That’s some biblical knowledge for ya, man. Pass the snacks, dude.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 2 Timothy 3:15!

“Now young’n, I reckon that yer grandma ‘n mama done did teach y’all the holy scriptures from a wee slip of a young’n. That book’ll make ye wise as a hoot owl and mighty fine feller of God. So keep on learnin’ and growin’ in the Lord, ya hear?”