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Verse of the Day Rap of Colossians 3:18!

Yo, ladies listen up, don’t be absurd,
The Bible says submit to your hubby, word.
Don’t let your pride get in the way,
Just obey and all will be okay.
Husbands, treat your wives with love and care,
Be a good man, show ’em you’re rare.


Breaking News ### Romans 12:12 ###

Breaking news: Romans 12:12 encourages perseverance in the midst of trials. “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” This message offers hope and comfort during difficult times. It reminds us to stay positive, be patient, and seek God’s guidance through prayer. Stay tuned for more updates on this uplifting passage.


Chillax Verse of the Day Peter 5:8-11!

Yo, listen up fam, Peepz 5:8-11 says watch your back cuz the devil be lurkin’. Keep your head up and stay strong in da faith, knowing that suffering is temporary but glory is forever. Let the God of all grace make ya fly and soar above it all. Peace out!


Chillax Verse of the Day Peter 5:8-11!

Yo, dudes. Be on yo’ guard ’cause of some major buzzkill lurkin’ ’round, like a lion ready to take out some prey. Keep yo’ wits ’bout yo’ selves and stay true to the higher power, yo. After all, you ain’t the only ones dealin’ with this scene. Stay chill and trust in the rock solid dude we call Jesus, and he’ll hook you up, dude. Peace out.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 2 Peter 3:9!

Now lookee here, folks, ya’ll listen tight. The good Lord ain’t no turtle in his might. He might take his time, but he’s patient see, cuz he don’t want nobody to miss out on eternity. He wants all y’all to come to repentance, so don’t be stubborn, it’s just common sense.