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April 10, 2023

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Slayin’ with Sam: The Lit Remix

So, like, there’s this dude named Samuel and he’s a prophet, ya know? And this woman named Hannah wants a baby so bad, but she can’t have one. So she prays to God and promises to give him her baby if she has one. And guess what? She has a baby boy and names him Samuel. She keeps her promise and gives him to God to work in the temple. Crazy stuff, man.


Ruth’s Lit As Fire Journey

Yo, peep this – Ruth was a straight-up ride or die chick for her mother-in-law Naomi. She was loyal supreme and even went gleaning in the fields for their next meal. And then she caught the eye of Boaz, the hotshot farmer. But Naomi was like, “nah girl, play it cool.” Boaz eventually put a ring on it and Ruth became a boss babe in his fields. #couplegoals #loyalty #farminglife


2 Kings: The Ultimate Power Moves Remix

Yo, check it, Elisha was chillin’ with some homies when a shorty came through with some bread. He turned that bread into a feast for the crew! Later, he cursed some fools for disrespecting him. Don’t mess with Elisha, he’s got the hookup from the man upstairs. #blessed #prophetlife


1 Kings: Ruler of the Kingdom, Ya Dig?

Yo, so like, King David died and his son, Solomon, took over. This dude was mad smart and had hella wisdom. He built a dope-ass temple for God and had all the homies chillin’ there. But then things got sketchy when he started marryin’ hella women and worshipping other gods. Not cool, bro.


2 Sam: Lit As Fire Remix

Yo, peeps! Check out 2 Sam! King David’s got mad skills, but he’s also got mad drama. He’s chillin’ with Bathsheba, but she’s already hitched. He straight up sends her man, Uriah, to die in battle. That’s some shady stuff, dude. But hey, he’s still the man. #blessed #drama #kingdavid


Chronz 1: Lit As Fire

Yo, peeps! Check it, we got 1 Chronicles up in here. It’s all about the lineage of the Israelites, straight up fam. From Adam to David, it’s lit. #Blessed #FamilyTree #Israelites


Nums: The Lit As Fire Remix

Yo, so in the book of Numbers, God’s peeps were counting heads. But some of them were trippin’ and didn’t wanna follow the rules. They got straight up punished for their foolishness. #stayincheck #followtherules


J-Dawgs: The Lit Chronicles of the OG Judges

Yo, listen up! The book of Judges is lit As Fire. These judges are straight up savage, slayin’ their enemies left and right. But they keep messin’ up and fallin’ into temptation. It’s like they don’t even learn from their mistakes, SMH. But even with all their flaws, God still comes through and saves them. It’s a dope read, you gotta check it out!