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“[Love Fulfills the Law] Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.”
– Romans 13:8

Breaking News: “Romans 13:8: “Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.” A new commandment from Paul’s epistle to the Romans, stating that love is the only debt we owe one another. Will this message be heard and followed? Stay tuned for updates.”

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interview with the author of Romans 13:8

Interviewer: Thanks for being here today. Can you tell us a little bit about Romans 13:8 and what inspired you to write it?

Author: Of course. Romans 13:8 says, “Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.”

As for what inspired me to write it, well, I was writing to the church in Rome and wanted to emphasize the importance of love in their relationships with one another and with God. I believe that love is the foundation of all good things and that when we love one another, we are fulfilling God’s law.

Interviewer: That’s a beautiful sentiment. Can you explain what you mean when you say that loving others fulfills God’s law?

Author: Absolutely. The entire law that God gave to his people can be summed up in two commandments: love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. When we love one another, we are obeying God’s commandments and fulfilling his law. Love is the ultimate expression of obedience to God.

Interviewer: That’s a powerful message. Do you have any advice for readers who may struggle with loving others?

Author: My advice would be to turn to God and ask for his help in loving others. We are all human and imperfect, and we can’t love others perfectly on our own. But with God’s help, we can learn to love others as he loves us. We also need to remember that love is a choice, not just a feeling. We can choose to love others, even if we don’t always feel like it. And when we do, we will experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from following God’s will.

information about the author of Romans 13:8

From an evangelical Christian perspective, the most-likely author of Romans 13:8 is the apostle Paul. According to tradition, Paul wrote the letter to the Romans while he was in Corinth around AD 57-58. This is supported by internal evidence within the letter, as well as by historical accounts of Paul’s travels and ministry.

Moreover, Romans 13:8 fits well within the overall theology of the Apostle Paul, as he often emphasized the importance of love and charity in Christian life and relationships. The verse reads, “Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.”

Therefore, it is likely that Paul would have included an exhortation to love in his letter to the Romans, given his emphasis on the centrality of love in the Christian faith. Furthermore, in the preceding verses of Romans 13, Paul discusses the importance of submitting to authorities and living in accordance with God’s law, which further supports the context of the verse.


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