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“[Psalm 46] For the director of music. Of the Sons of Korah. According to alamoth. A song. God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”
– Psalm 46:1

BREAKING: Psalm 46:1 – “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” In an unprecedented statement, sources confirm that God remains a steadfast protector and source of power in times of crisis. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story. #GodIsOurRefuge #BreakingNews #Psalm46:1

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interview with the author of Psalm 46:1

Interviewer: Can you share with us a verse from the Bible that has brought you comfort and strength throughout your life?

Author: Yes, of course. One of my favorite verses is Psalm 46:1. It says, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”

Interviewer: And why is this verse so meaningful to you?

Author: This verse reminds me that no matter what challenges or difficulties I may face in life, God is always there to provide me with refuge and strength. It gives me comfort knowing that I am never alone and that I can always turn to God for help in times of trouble. It has been a source of encouragement and reassurance for me in my darkest moments.

information about the author of Psalm 46:1

Psalm 46 is attributed to the Sons of Korah, who were a group of Levites responsible for music and worship in the tabernacle and temple. The Sons of Korah are believed to have written several of the Psalms, including Psalm 46. The Psalm speaks of God being a stronghold and refuge in times of trouble, and it encourages believers to trust in God’s protection and strength.

From an evangelical Christian perspective, the authorship of Psalm 46 by the Sons of Korah is significant because it shows that even in times of trouble and uncertainty, God is our ultimate source of strength and refuge. This Psalm reminds believers to turn to God in times of trouble and to trust in His power to protect and guide them. It is a reminder of God’s faithfulness and steadfast love towards those who put their trust in Him.

Overall, Psalm 46 is a beautiful expression of the believer’s reliance on God in times of trouble and a powerful reminder of God’s steadfast love and protection. It serves as a source of encouragement and hope for believers in difficult times, pointing them towards the ultimate source of strength and refuge.


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