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“As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;”
– Psalm 103:13

Breaking News: Psalm 103:13 – “As a father shows compassion to his children, so the LORD shows compassion to those who fear him.” The latest from the Bible reminds us that just as a father loves his children and shows them kindness, God also loves and extends mercy to those who revere Him. Stay tuned for more updates on this story.

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interview with the author of Psalm 103:13

Interviewer: So, Psalmist, you wrote in verse 13 of Psalm 103, “As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him.” Can you elaborate on this?

Psalmist: Certainly. As I was writing this Psalm, I was reflecting on the many ways in which God shows compassion and mercy to us, his children. And I realized that the best analogy for this is the relationship between a loving father and his children.

Interviewer: How so?

Psalmist: Well, a good father is always there for his children, offering them guidance, comfort, and support. He is patient with them, forgives their mistakes, and delights in their accomplishments. Likewise, God is always there for us, guiding us on our journey, comforting us in our times of need, and celebrating with us in our victories.

Interviewer: That’s a beautiful comparison. You mention that this compassion is shown to those who fear God. Can you explain that?

Psalmist: Fear, in this context, means reverence or respect. When we have a healthy fear of God, we recognize his authority and power, and we submit ourselves to his will. And it is to those who fear God that he shows his compassion. It’s not that God withholds his love from anyone, but those who fear him are more open and receptive to the blessings he bestows.

Interviewer: Thank you for sharing your insights with us, Psalmist. Your words remind us of the boundless love of God and the importance of having reverence for him.

Psalmist: My pleasure. May the Lord continue to bless and guide us all.

information about the author of Psalm 103:13

From an Evangelical Christian perspective, the most likely author of Psalm 103:13 is King David. David is considered to be the most prolific author of psalms in the Bible, having written around 73 psalms himself.

The language and style of Psalm 103:13 also suggest that it is written by David. The psalm uses personal pronouns like “I” and “my” and expresses a deep sense of trust and gratitude towards God. These are characteristics commonly found in David’s writing.

Additionally, David is known to have been a man after God’s heart, who had a close and intimate relationship with God. This connection is evident in the words of Psalm 103:13, where the writer acknowledges God as a compassionate and loving father who forgives and shows mercy to His children.

In summary, from an Evangelical Christian perspective, the most likely author of Psalm 103:13 is King David because of his prolific writing in the Psalms, the language, and style used in the psalm, and his intimate relationship with God.


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