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“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”
– 2 Corinthians 13:14

Breaking News: 2 Corinthians 13:14 – The Apostle Paul’s Final Greeting to the Corinthians! In an epistle sent from afar, Paul concludes with a divine blessing. “May the grace of Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all!” This message leaves the Corinthians with a powerful reminder of God’s eternal presence.

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interview with the author of 2 Corinthians 13:14

Interviewer: Good day, dear author! We are excited to have you with us today. Could you please share with our audience the inspiration behind the beautiful closing words of 2 Corinthians 13:14?

Author: Thank you for having me! I would be glad to share the story behind those profound words. Throughout the letter, I have addressed the challenges and conflicts faced by the Corinthians, urging them to examine their faith and relationships. It was important to me to conclude the letter with a message that emphasized unity, love, and the divine nature of God’s grace.

Interviewer: That sounds like a powerful message indeed. Could you break down the verse for us and explain the significance of each part?

Author: Certainly! “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ” speaks to the unmerited favor bestowed upon us by Jesus through his sacrifice and love. It reminds believers that we are saved by grace alone, and it serves as a reminder of the character and redemptive work of Jesus.

“The love of God” refers to the unconditional and boundless love that God has for us. It is an assurance of his eternal love, care, and affection towards his creation. This phrase emphasizes the relational aspect of our faith and highlights God’s compassionate nature.

“The fellowship of the Holy Spirit” symbolizes the transformative partnership between believers and the Holy Spirit. It speaks to the unity and communion we share with the Spirit, guiding and empowering us to live out a life of faith, love, and obedience.

Interviewer: Fascinating! Could you share some insights into why you chose this particular phrasing and order of the three elements?

Author: Absolutely! The order in which I placed the elements, starting with “the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,” highlights the foundation of our faith – salvation through Jesus’ sacrifice. It serves as a reminder that everything we experience and become is a result of his grace.

Following that with “the love of God” reflects the divine source of our love, drawing on the everlasting and unwavering love of our Heavenly Father. This love forms the core of our relationship with God and inspires us to love one another.

Finally, “the fellowship of the Holy Spirit” emphasizes the ongoing communion and partnership believers have with the Holy Spirit. This fellowship encourages unity, empowers us to live out our faith, and enables us to experience God’s presence in our lives.

Interviewer: Thank you for providing such a captivating explanation! Is there a particular lesson or takeaway that you hope your readers grasp from these closing words?

Author: Yes, indeed. I hope that readers understand that our faith is a beautiful expression of the grace, love, and unity we experience as children of God. As they navigate challenges and conflicts, I want them to be reminded of the transformative power of grace and the unending love of God. Furthermore, I hope they embrace the importance of fostering fellowship and communion with the Holy Spirit, as it empowers them to live out their faith with joy and authenticity.

Interviewer: Thank you so much for sharing your insights and shedding light on the depth of these closing words. We truly appreciate your time and wisdom!

Author: It was a pleasure to be here. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to discuss these significant verses. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with your audience always!

information about the author of 2 Corinthians 13:14

From an evangelical Christian perspective, the most-likely author of 2 Corinthians 13:14 is the apostle Paul. The apostle Paul is highly regarded by evangelicals as one of the most influential figures in the spread of Christianity in the first century.

Paul’s authorship of 2 Corinthians is affirmed based on both external and internal evidence. External evidence refers to early Christian testimonies and historical sources, while internal evidence refers to the content, style, and themes found in the book itself.

External evidence suggests that Paul authored 2 Corinthians. Early church fathers such as Clement of Rome, Origen, and Tertullian all attributed the book to Paul. Additionally, the writings of early Christian leaders like Ignatius, Polycarp, and Justin Martyr show familiarity with Paul’s letters, including 2 Corinthians.

Internal evidence supports Paul’s authorship through the personal details mentioned in the letter that align with Paul’s life. The letter references Paul’s firsthand experiences, such as his hardships, visions, and suffering for the sake of the gospel. The writing style and theology expressed in 2 Corinthians are consistent with Paul’s other letters, further suggesting his authorship.

Evangelicals affirm the authority and inspiration of the entire Bible as God’s Word, including 2 Corinthians. They believe that Paul, being chosen by Jesus Christ himself and having received revelations from God, wrote under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. They view the content of 2 Corinthians as a message from God to the early Christian community and subsequently to believers throughout history.

Overall, evangelicals strongly uphold the apostle Paul as the most-likely biblical author of 2 Corinthians 13:14, recognizing his significant role in spreading the gospel and his writing’s divine inspiration.


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