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Matthew 7:12

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day Matthew 7:12!

Y’all reckon you should treat folks how you wanna be treated. Ain’t that the golden rule, y’all? So don’t be actin’ like a horn-swagglin’ varmint, treat others with respect ‘n kindness. ‘Cause the good Lord knows, ain’t nobody wanna be treated like a snake in a henhouse!


Breaking News ### Matthew 7:12 ###

Breaking News: Matthew 7:12
In a shocking revelation, Jesus delivers the Golden Rule, stating “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them.” This new moral guideline is said to transform the way people interact with one another. Stay tuned for reactions to this groundbreaking principle. #GoldenRule #NewMoralGuideline


Chillax Verse of the Day Matthew 7:12!

“Hey man, just, like, treat others how you wanna be treated, ya know? It’s like the golden rule – do unto others and all that jazz. So, like, be cool and don’t be a buzzkill, dude. It’s all about spreading good vibes and positive energy, man.”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Matthew 7:12!

Now, y’all listen up good ‘n’ proper, ’cause Ah’m ’bout to spill the mustard on somethin’ mighty important: Treat everybody the way y’all wanna be treated. That there rule’s as simple as a possum on a hot tin roof, and ‘fore ya know it, all them varmints might just return the favor. Good ol’ golden rule, reckon.