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Chillax Verse of the Day Joshua 1:9!

Dude, like, be totally chill and not freak out, bro. The big man upstairs is watching your back, so there’s no need to trip out, ya know? Just keep your head up, stay strong, and keep it real. Peace out, man.


Breaking News ### Joshua 1:9 ###

Breaking news: Joshua 1:9
God’s message to Joshua: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” This powerful declaration instills hope and strength in the face of challenges. Stay tuned for more updates on this inspiring biblical verse. #Joshua1_9 #Godiswithyou


Verse of the Day Rap of Joshua 1:9!

Yo, Joshua, don’t you fear,
God is with you, so be clear,
Strong and courageous, don’t you quiver,
For the Lord your God is the real giver.
So go, conquer, and don’t be vexed,
God’s got your back, you’ll be blessed.