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John 3:20-21

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 3:20-21!

John 3:20-21 says, “If’n y’all dun do some evil deeds, y’all won’t be skeered of folks findin’ out. But if’n y’all do what’s right, then y’all ain’t got nothin’ to worry about. Y’all just keep on walkin’ in the good Lord’s light and doin’ what’s right.”


Breaking News ### John 3:20-21 ###

Breaking News: John 3:20-21

In a stunning revelation, renowned religious figure, Jesus of Nazareth, warns the world of its dark secrets. Exposing the truth, he states that those who embrace darkness shall fear the light, while those who follow the light shall rejoice in their deeds. Divine judgment is imminent, igniting debates on the nature of humanity. Stay tuned for more updates.