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Jeremiah 32:17

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Breaking News ### Jeremiah 32:17 ###

Breaking News: In a shocking display of power, the Lord proclaims in Jeremiah 32:17, “Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.” Stay tuned as believers reflect on the limitless strength of their Almighty God. #Jeremiah32:17 #AllPowerfulGod


Breaking News ### Jeremiah 32:17 ###

BREAKING: God’s Power Shatters Impossibilities! Jeremiah 32:17 reports an unparalleled display of strength as the Lord proclaims, “Nothing is too hard for Me!” Witnessing God’s might, the prophet magnifies His ability to fulfill promises and overcome obstacles. A groundbreaking declaration that leaves spectators in awe and hopeful for a future beyond human comprehension. Stay tuned for more on this divine revelation! #Jeremiah32:17