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Isaiah 48:17

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Breaking News ### Isaiah 48:17 ###

**Breaking News: Divine Guidance Announced!**

In a stunning revelation, the Lord declares His role as a guide and provider for the people. “I am the Lord, your Redeemer, instructing you for your benefit,” He proclaims. This message promises prosperity and direction, offering hope and wisdom to all who heed His call. Stay tuned for more updates on this unfolding spiritual guidance.


Breaking News ### Isaiah 48:17 ###

Breaking News:
In a shocking revelation, the LORD announces strategy for prosperity and peace. In Isaiah 48:17, exclusive to our reporters, He reveals, “I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you. I lead you along the right path.” Unveiling divine guidance, uncovering hope for a brighter future. Stay tuned for more details.