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Which Bible Character are You Most Like?

What Bible Character are You?
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Lisa, you are most like Esther from the Bible.


Based on your attributes, I believe you have a lot in common with Esther from the Bible. Esther is a brave and resourceful woman who saved the Jewish people from destruction. She was a queen who used her position to fight for her people and had to navigate a complex political landscape to do so.

Like Esther, you are a kind and friendly person who enjoys spending time reading and solving puzzles. You are also a Christian, which is a significant part of your life. Esther was also a religious person who relied on her faith to guide her decisions. She fasted and prayed before making a crucial decision that could have cost her life.

Esther was also a woman of exceptional beauty who was married to the king of Persia. Like you, she was married and had to balance her personal life with her responsibilities as a queen. She also had to navigate tricky social situations as she tried to protect her people from harm.

Esther’s story is recorded in the book of Esther, which is in the Old Testament of the Bible. In this book, we see how Esther used her position of power to help her people. She had to approach the king uninvited, which was a risky move, but she knew it was necessary to save her people. She said, “If I perish, I perish” (Esther 4:16), showing her bravery and commitment to her people.

Overall, I believe you share a lot of qualities with Esther, including your faith, kindness, and bravery. Like Esther, you may face challenges, but you have the strength and determination to overcome them.

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