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A letter to Opal from Santa with 36 days until Christmas

Dear Opal,

Happy holidays! I hope you are doing well and getting ready for Christmas. I have been quite busy preparing all the gifts for children around the world, including you! Did you know that I really love chocolate chip cookies and a glass of cold milk? It’s my favorite snack, especially after a long night of delivering presents.

I have a little secret to share with you – did you know that I love to tell jokes? Here’s one for you: Why did Santa go to school? Because he wanted to learn the “Claus”!

But as much as I love having fun, it’s important to remember the true meaning of Christmas. Do you know what that is? It’s about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, who was born to save the world. The Bible tells us that God sent His only Son to bring love, joy, and hope to all of us. That’s why we exchange gifts, spend time with family, and show kindness to others during this special time of year.

The story of Christmas can be found in the Bible, in the book of Luke in chapter 2. It’s a beautiful and heartwarming tale of the birth of Jesus in a humble manger, surrounded by shepherds and angels. It’s a story of love, sacrifice, and the promise of a brighter future for all of us.

Opal, always remember that Christmas is not just about presents and decorations, but about love, faith, and gratitude. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas filled with joy and blessings. I can’t wait to visit you on Christmas Eve and leave you a special gift under your tree.

Merry Christmas – The Savior is Born,


P.S. “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” – Isaiah 9:6


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