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A letter to Lisa from Cupid with 316 days until Valentine’s Day

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Dear Lisa,

As Cupid, I’m excited to be writing to you! I bet you’re wondering what it’s like to fly around shooting arrows and making people fall in love. Well, let me tell you, it’s a pretty amazing feeling! I get to witness some of the most beautiful and heartfelt moments in people’s lives, and it’s all because of love.

Speaking of love, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! It’s a day dedicated to celebrating the ones we love most. But you know what? Love isn’t just about fancy gifts and sweet gestures. The true meaning of love is found in the Bible. Love is patient, kind, and selfless. It doesn’t envy or boast, and it isn’t proud or rude. Love always protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres.

Now, I know that’s a lot to live up to! But that’s the beauty of love – it’s a journey that we go on together. It’s something we choose to work at every day, whether we’re in a relationship or not. So this Valentine’s Day, let’s all commit to loving one another the way Jesus loves us – unconditionally and sacrificially.

Before I go, I’ll leave you with a clean joke. Why did Cupid start shooting arrows? Because he didn’t want to be a mere passerby!

I’ll keep shooting arrows – you keep loving God.



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