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A letter to Charlie from Cupid with -49 days until Valentine’s Day

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Dear Charlie,

Greetings from the land of love, where hearts are constantly aflutter and love is always in the air. As you know, my name is Cupid and I am writing to you today to share some fun stuff about myself. I’m sure you’ve heard some tales about me, but there’s so much more to me than just a cute little cherub with a bow and arrow. For instance, did you know that I’m a master of disguise? I can blend into any crowd, but those who are truly in love always recognize me. And, of course, everyone knows that I love chocolate. What better way to spread love and happiness than with a box of chocolates?

Now, I do have a funny little joke about myself that I think you’ll enjoy. Why did Cupid become a lawyer? To help people fall in love! Ha! I know it’s corny, but it always makes me chuckle.

But, enough about me, Charlie. I’d like to take a moment to inspire you with the true meaning of Love. You see, Love is so much more than just a feeling. It’s a choice. A decision that we make every day to put others before ourselves. This is exactly the kind of Love that God has for us, and it’s the reason we celebrate Valentine’s Day. We’re reminded of the great Love that God has for us and the love that we should have for one another.

In 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, the Bible describes Love as patient, kind, not jealous, not bragging or boasting, not proud, not rude, not selfish, not easily angered, and it always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. What a wonderful description of Love! I encourage you to meditate on these words and make them a part of your life.

Well, it’s time for me to go, Charlie. Remember, Love is a choice that we make every day. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it. And, as for me, I’ll keep shooting arrows of love, and I encourage you to keep on loving God.

With Love,


I’ll Keep Shooting Arrows – You Keep Loving God, Cupid


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