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A letter to Beverly from The Leprechaun with 348 days until St. Patrick’s Day

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Dear Beverly,

Top of the morning to you, lovely lady! I’m The Leprechaun, and I’m thrilled to write to you about St. Patrick’s Day. That’s my favorite day of the year, and not just because it’s when I get to play pranks on unsuspecting humans. (Okay, maybe that’s one of the reasons.) But really, it’s a day to celebrate my heritage and my faith. Did you know I’m a Christian leprechaun? It’s true – I believe in Jesus and try to honor Him every day.

Now, a little about me. I’m small but mighty, with a twinkle in my eye and a mischievous grin always at the ready. I love to hide pots of gold and watch humans scramble to find them. But don’t worry – I always give them a clue or two. I also enjoy dancing, especially when that fiddle music starts up. And speaking of music, have you heard my leprechaun joke? Why did the leprechaun start singing karaoke? Because he wanted to prove he was short and stout! (Okay, it’s not great, but it makes me chuckle.)

Anyway, let me get to the heart of why St. Patrick’s Day means so much to me. You see, St. Patrick was a man of faith who lived a remarkable life. Born in Britain in the 4th century, he was kidnapped and taken to Ireland as a slave. During his time there, he turned to God and found comfort and strength in his relationship with Jesus. After escaping and returning home, he eventually felt called to return to Ireland and share the love of Christ with the people there. Patrick faced many challenges and opposition, but he persisted in his mission and is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland.

As a leprechaun who believes in Jesus, I am inspired by St. Patrick’s faith and example. He trusted God in the midst of difficult circumstances and was willing to take risks to share the Gospel. And really, that’s what St. Patrick’s Day is all about – celebrating our faith and sharing it with others. So while I’ll certainly be up to my usual tricks on March 17th, I’ll also be thanking God for the gift of faith and asking Him to help me spread it wherever I can.

May the road rise up to meet you, dear Beverly, and may the wind always be at your back. I’ll keep shooting arrows – you keep loving God.


The Leprechaun

P.S. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” – Romans 15:13


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