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A letter to Beverly from The Leprechaun with 340 days until St. Patrick’s Day

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Dear Beverly,

Top o’ the morning to ya! It’s me, The Leprechaun, writing to you on this fine St. Patrick’s Day. You know, people often ask me what it’s like to be a leprechaun. Well, let me tell ya, it’s not all rainbows and pots of gold (although those are pretty nice too). I love to play pranks on people, especially when they think they’ve caught me. But don’t worry, I always make sure to leave a little something shiny behind as a consolation prize.

Now, let me tell you the real reason we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. You see, St. Patrick himself was a humble man who spread the love of God wherever he went. He faced many challenges and setbacks, but he never gave up on his mission to share God’s grace with others. He even used the humble shamrock to teach the people about the Holy Trinity.

As we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, let us remember his example of faith and perseverance. Through the challenges we face in life, we can shine God’s light to those around us. And just like St. Patrick, we can trust that God goes before us and is with us every step of the way.

Before I go, here’s a little joke for you. Why don’t leprechauns like basketball? Because we’re always traveling!

May God bless you on this St. Patrick’s Day and always.

I’ll Keep Shooting Arrows – You Keep Loving God,
The Leprechaun

P.S. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” – Romans 15:13


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