About BibleTronic

Yo, love’s the game, gotta keep it real, No fake vibes, that’s the true deal. Hate what’s wrong, but love what’s right, Lift each other up, shine that light! Brotherly vibes, keep it tight, Honor each other, that’s our flight. With a heart so warm, we’ll unite, Love’s the flow, let’s ignite!


Don’t just read the Bible Verse of the Day… Rap it!

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Verse of the Day Rap of Job 30:27!

Yo, Job 30:27, let me break it down real quick,
My skin’s all dark, not matching with my clothes, thick.
My bones ain’t all right, like I’ve been hit by a brick,
And my days ain’t cool, no time for any slick.
But hey, I’ll keep going strong, ain’t no time to be sick,
Life’s absurd, but I’ll find joy in this crazy lyrical pick.


Verse of the Day Rap of Psalm 103:1-5!

Yo, listen up, I’m here to say
Praise the Lord in every way
Bless His name, don’t be tardy
Forget not His ways, let’s party!
He forgives, heals every pain
Crowns you with love, life’s insane
With goodness and mercy, you’re alive
So, shout it out! Yo, let’s vibe!


Verse of the Day Rap of Philippians 4:13!

I can do all things, yes I can,
In Christ’s name, I’m a mighty fan.
No task too big, no task too small,
I’ll conquer them all, have a ball.
With faith in my soul, I’ll never fail,
Through Him, I prevail, I’m the holy grail.
So listen up, my friends, and don’t be mean,
With Philippians 4:13, I’m the rap machine!


Verse of the Day Rap of Proverbs 3:5-6!

Yo, listen up, I got wisdom to share,
Proverbs 3:5-6, let me lay it bare.
Trust the Lord, don’t lean on your own might,
Acknowledge Him always, even late at night.
In all your ways, just let Him direct,
He’ll make your path straight, no disrespect.
So, don’t be a fool, follow this funky rule,
God’s got you covered, just stay cool!


Verse of the Day Rap of Luke 10:41-42!

Yo, Martha chillax, don’t get all these jitters,
Your hustle’s on point but you miss out on the big hitters,
Mary understands what truly matters, yo,
Sitting here, soaking up wisdom, letting it flow.
So drop that to-do list, don’t you get so vexed,
It’s time to give your soul a little bit of rest!


Verse of the Day Rap of Philippians 4:6-7!

Yo, don’t stress, just confess and impress,
Philippians 4:6-7, let me address,
Don’t be anxious, be gracious, release the tension,
Present your requests, forget the apprehension.

Pray with thanksgiving, your worries will cease,
God’s peace will flow, bringing you sweet release,
It’s like a guard, protecting your soul,
No more worries, homie, let yourself be whole.


Verse of the Day Rap of Matthew 6:27!

Don’t waste time stressing ’bout your span,
How tall you are or even your plan.
Just chill for a bit and take a breath,
Worrying ain’t gonna cheat death.
You can’t add inches to your frame,
So why waste time sweating in vain?
Let go of the fuss, relax your mind,
Life’s too cool for worries you bind.


Verse of the Day Rap of Matthew 6:34!

Don’t worry about tomorrow’s strife,
Just live your life, enjoy the hype.
No need to stress and lose your cool,
Chill out, my friend, don’t act a fool.
God’s got your back, He’ll handle the mess,
Forget your worries, have fun and rest.
So why sweat it? Just do your thing,
Tomorrow’s problems? They don’t mean a thing!


Verse of the Day Rap of Romans 8:31!

Yo, listen up, ain’t no need to fuss,
Romans 8:31, I got a message for us.
If God’s got our back, who can step to us?
No hater or enemy gonna make us fuss.
With God on our side, we unstoppable,
So let’s keep it real, no need to be skeptical.


Verse of the Day Rap of Psalm 118:5-6!

When troubles ‘bout to knock me down,
I look to God and turn that frown.
In my fears, I don’t falter or trip,
Cos yo, God’s got my back, no slippin’ grip.
So yo haters, keep your venom and tricks,
With the Lord on my side, I’ll rise and fix!
Shorty don’t play, I trust the Most High,
Cos with Him by my side, I’m gonna fly high!


Verse of the Day Rap of Psalm 55:22!

Cast your worries on the Big Guy, bro,
He’s got your back, just let it go.
Yo, don’t stress, don’t even pout,
He’ll never let your worries wipe you out.
Trust in the Lord, He’s got your strife,
He’ll support you and give you a happy life.


Verse of the Day Rap of Philippians 4:6!

Yo, don’t you worry, don’t you stress,
Just hit the floor, let your prayers progress.
Tell God what you need, don’t hold it back,
No need for anxiety, yo, that’s whack.
With thanksgiving and supplication, stay fly,
And His peace, it’s guaranteed, my oh my.