About BibleTronic

Yo, love’s the game, gotta keep it real, No fake vibes, that’s the true deal. Hate what’s wrong, but love what’s right, Lift each other up, shine that light! Brotherly vibes, keep it tight, Honor each other, that’s our flight. With a heart so warm, we’ll unite, Love’s the flow, let’s ignite!


Don’t just read the Bible Verse of the Day… Rap it!

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Verse of the Day Rap of Exodus 18:13-26!

Yo, Moses was in a funk, feeling low.
All his peeps stood in a long, long row.
Jethro, his dad-in-law, saw his despair,
And said, “Bro, you need to take some care!

Delegate the tasks, don’t do it solo,
Share the load, man, it’s how you will grow.
Choose dudes to lead, those who are wise,
Then you won’t see them all with tired eyes.

Moses listened and did as he was told,
Chose able dudes who were good and bold.
Handled disputes without much hassle,
Jethro’s advice, it was bang on the castle!

So remember, my friends, when you’re in a jam,
Don’t be a one-man show, just call in your fam.
Delegate, collaborate, and you will see,
Your workload will be lightened, and you’ll feel free!”


Verse of the Day Rap of Isaiah 35:4!

Yo, check out Isaiah 35:4, don’t ya snore,
Fear not, my peeps, my rhymes will restore,
Be strong, be chill, don’t you be shy,
God’s got your back, He’s flyin’ high!

When you’re feeling weak, know that He’s near,
He’ll hold you up, gotta make it clear,
His rap game’s strong, His love is rare,
So don’t trip, just trust and have no fear!


Verse of the Day Rap of Ecclesiastes 4:6!

In this hustle, I peeped a wise twist,
A fool stacks riches, but they’ll all resist,
Workin’ alone, chasing cash in the mist,
No time for family, no time to exist,
So let’s collaborate, share virtue and bliss,
Get rid of FOMO, embrace mutual assist.


Verse of the Day Rap of Psalm 34:17-19!

God be like, when His peeps are broken,
He’s like an SOS, ain’t no jokin’.
He’ll deliver, with no delay,
Way before you say, “Hey, I need to pray!”
If you’re troubles weighin’ you down,
He’ll lift you up, ain’t no frown.
Many trials may come your way,
But trust in Him, you’ll be okay.


Verse of the Day Rap of Philippians 4:19!

God got that money, He got that cash,
He will bless you, no need to dash.
He got the hook up, the ultimate plug,
He’ll fill your pockets, give you a big ol’ hug.
So don’t be shady, just stay cool,
God’s got provision, He’s nobody’s fool!


Verse of the Day Rap of Hebrews 13:5!

Yo, listen up, let me drop this verse real quick,
Hebrews 13:5, the Bible got the sick wit,
God said, “I got you, never gonna bail,
I’ll never leave ya hangin’, never gonna fail!

No need to front, trust in Him, you see,
This friendship’s forever, so rock it, be free!
So keep it real, never stress, never sweat,
God got your back, homie, you can bet!”


Verse of the Day Rap of Jeremiah 17:7-8!

Yo, listen up to the story of Jeremiah,
He knows the secret to saving ya,
Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
No need to stress, He’s got your back, Take His word!

They’re like a tree planted by the water,
No wither or drought, they never falter,
No need to fear, even when times are tough,
They stay green, can’t get enough!

They don’t stress about the heat or lack of rain,
Their roots run deep, they got nothing to gain,
They flourish and grow, they stay so fresh,
Trusting in God, they stand tall, no stress!

So if you feel down, just trust and believe,
No need to worry or cause a fuss, achieve!
Keep trusting in Him, and you’ll never fall,
Like a cool tree, standing strong, that’s all!


Verse of the Day Rap of Isaiah 26:3!

In this crazy world, where chaos unfurls,
No worries, my friend, just try not to hurl.
Trust in the Lord, keep calm and stay chill,
He’ll give you peace, no need for a pill.
Rocking a tranquil mind, flowing like a river,
With God by your side, it’s peace forever.


Verse of the Day Rap of Isaiah 41:10!

Yo, don’t you fear, don’t you trip, don’t you despair,
‘Cause your main man up above is always there!
He’s got your back, no need to cry or sweat,
Just trust in Him, yo, He’ll help you forget
All your worries, your problems, the mess you’re in,
He’s the ultimate superhero, your heavenly kin!


Verse of the Day Rap of Romans 12:1-2!

Yo, listen up, fam, Romans 12 is what I bring,
Give your bodies to God, like an offering.
Don’t conform to this world, be transformed instead,
Renew your minds, change the way you’ve been led.

No more selfishness, no need to pout,
With God’s perfect plan, there’s no doubt.
These two verses, got wisdom to drop,
So groove to His rhythm, and don’t you stop.


Verse of the Day Rap of Psalm 34:4!

Yo, check it out, listen to me roar,
I called to the Lord, He answered, what’s more?
No more fears, my troubles are done,
Like a true boss, I praise the Holy One.
So put on your dancing shoes, let’s have some fun,
God’s got my back, He’s Number One!