About BibleTronic

(Verse) Yo, I’m his and he’s mine, it’s our love divine, Like the sweetest wine, we groove in perfect time. Catch me in the garden, I’m the flower he adores, He’s my king, I’m his queen, babe, let’s open those doors! Together, we shine, yeah, love’s our design, In this crazy world, he’s my favorite...


Don’t just read the Bible Verse of the Day… Rap it!

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Verse of the Day Rap of Matthew 22:29!

Yo, homie Jesus dropped a verse, you won’t believe
He said “You’re mistaken and you’re lacking knowledge, please
Dudes don’t understand the power from above
Those who don’t know Scriptures, man, they’re really off
God’s got power, and He’s always gonna reign
So study up, don’t be lame, don’t be plain.”


Verse of the Day Rap of 2 Timothy 2:7!

Yo, my peeps, listen up, it’s time to go deep
2 Timothy 2:7, let me break it down, don’t you weep
“Consider what I say, fam, and the Lord will give understanding”
So open up your brains, let the knowledge be demanding
When we think, reflect, the answers we’ll find
In the rap game of life, we’ll always shine.


Verse of the Day Rap of Psalm 56:4!

When I’m stuck in a jam, feeling real low,
Don’t you worry, no need to go.
Trust in God, He has my back,
No matter what kinda trouble I attract.
I won’t fear the haters or their nasty bite,
With God on my side, I’mma shine bright!


Verse of the Day Rap of John 3:16-17!

Yo, listen up, here’s a story so fly,
God loved the world, no need to ask why.
He sent His one and only Son to save,
All who believe in Him, no soul He’ll deprave.

No condemnation, no need to stress,
Jesus came to rescue, He’s the best.
Through Him, eternal life we are given,
So live your life, yo, like you’re forgiven.


Verse of the Day Rap of John 1:14!

Word became flesh, okay let’s get real,
God’s Son stepped down, that’s the whole deal.
He was full of truth, grace oozing from His pores,
Miracles unfurled, like explosions in wars.
We saw His glory, like a star shining bright,
Dudes couldn’t believe, but I’ll tell you, it’s tight!


Verse of the Day Rap of Romans 12:2!

Yo, listen up, I got some advice to dish,
Don’t be like the world, don’t act foolish and jest.
Transform your mind, don’t let society grip,
Renew your thoughts, become a wisdom-filled hip.
Don’t follow trends blindly, stay true to your own flow,
In God’s perfect will, let your true colors show!


Verse of the Day Rap of Proverbs 4:21!

Yo listen up, don’t you slip, don’t you nap,
Keep these words in your mind, like a funky trap,
Stay focused, stay true, don’t let darkness trap,
Let these rhymes guide you, like a treasure map.

Lemme break it down, no confusion, no strife,
These words are your secret to living that good life,
Guard your heart, avoid greed and strife,
Wisdom and knowledge will lead to a prosperous life.

So, hear me now, feel the vibe, let it sink,
Keep wisdom in your system, don’t let your mind shrink,
Don’t be a fool, be clever, never overthink,
With every step you’ll be dancing on life’s sweetest brink.


Verse of the Day Rap of 1 Timothy 4:13!

Yo, listen up, I got a message to share,
1 Timothy 4:13, let’s rap it with flair.
“Until I come, devote yourself, hear me now, bro,
Read the Word, preach it loud, let your knowledge flow.
Study, meditate, let your faith ignite,
Embrace the truth, let’s keep our spirits tight!”


Verse of the Day Rap of Revelation 22:18-19!

Yo, listen up, it’s time to know
Revelation chapter, here it goes
Verse 18, don’t add or remove
Can’t mess with this sacred groove
Verse 19, if you dare to edit
Get ready for some judgment to be set
So, yo, my friends, just heed my call
Respect these words and don’t tamper at all!


Verse of the Day Rap of Psalm 1:1-3!

Yo, listen up, let me drop some truth,
Blessed be the one who rejects the brute.
Don’t hang with the wicked, stay far away,
Instead, meditate on the Lord every day.

Be like a tree, planted deep and true,
Watered by streams, always fresh and new.
Bear juicy fruit, your season will come,
But the wicked? Oh no, they’ll be struck dumb.


Verse of the Day Rap of Proverbs 30:5!

Yo, ya hear? Proverbs 30:5, here’s the scoop,
God’s word’s pure, like Grandma’s homemade soup.
Lemme break it down, no need to be sour,
Trust in the Lord, He’s got the power!
His promises strong, no fakin’ or cheat,
So lean on His word, it’s 100% sweet!


Verse of the Day Rap of Joshua 1:8!

Yo, listen up, I got a verse to share,
Joshua 1:8, don’t you dare despair.
Keep this book close, like a hip-hop beat,
Get the dopeness flowing, man, feel the heat.

Meditate on it day and night, no doubt,
Success will come, flip it inside out.
Stay on the path, don’t go astray,
Like a fresh rap lyric, you’ll lead the way.

Observe the law, don’t be no snitch,
Then you’ll be fly, like a cool remix.
So, remember Joshua 1:8, don’t you forget,
Just groove with the flow, and you’ll be set.