About BibleTronic

(Verse) Yo, I’m his and he’s mine, it’s our love divine, Like the sweetest wine, we groove in perfect time. Catch me in the garden, I’m the flower he adores, He’s my king, I’m his queen, babe, let’s open those doors! Together, we shine, yeah, love’s our design, In this crazy world, he’s my favorite...


Don’t just read the Bible Verse of the Day… Rap it!

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Verse of the Day Rap of 1 Corinthians 7:32!

Yo, listen up, here’s what Paul said,
Gotta be single, keep your head,
No worries, no stress, just rock that vibe,
No clingy partner, just free and alive,
So if you’re chill with being solo and free,
Then rock on, my friend, just be who you be!


Verse of the Day Rap of Colossians 3:21!

Fathers, don’t drive your kids insane,
Or make them feel pointless pain.
Instead, teach them right from wrong,
So they can grow up to be strong.
Don’t provoke ’em, or they’ll get vexed,
Or end up feeling unimpressed.
Just love ’em and treat ’em right,
So they can shine and live in the light!


Verse of the Day Rap of Revelation 13:1-18!

Yo, listen up, I got a story to tell
About a beast with seven heads, straight outta hell
He’s got power and authority, causing quite a stir
But don’t be fooled, he’s just a big ol’ faker
So keep your eyes open, don’t be deceived
Stay true to God, and you’ll never be deceived!


Verse of the Day Rap of Psalm 1:1-6!

Yo, check it out, listen up to this flow
If you wanna be blessed, here’s how you gotta go
Don’t walk with the wicked, stay away from their ways
Meditate on the law, do it all of your days
Be like a tree planted by the water’s edge
Soak up that Word and you’ll have success


Verse of the Day Rap of Romans 1:27!

Yo, in Rom 1:27 it’s clear to see
Men ditch women but it ain’t meant to be
They burn with lust, doin’ what’s obscene
Leavin’ natural desires, know what I mean?
Guys with guys, doin’ wrong
Reap what they sow, don’t last long
So listen up y’all, don’t go astray
Keep it natural, in love, every day!


Verse of the Day Rap of Galatians 5:19-21!

Yo listen up, I gotta lay it down
All those bad vibes, gotta turn around
No more hatin’, no more jealousy
No more parties with immorality
Keep it real, keep it honest, that’s the way to be
Cause if you don’t, you ain’t gonna be rollin’ with me


Verse of the Day Rap of Matthew 19:4!

Yo listen up, let me break it down,
In the beginning, God made man and woman, no frown,
He said, “A man shall leave his fam for his one,
And him and his wife, they’ll be two, not none.”
So yo, keep it real and stay true to your spouse,
‘Cause that’s what God wants, don’t be a louse!


Verse of the Day Rap of 1 Timothy 1:8-10!

Yo, listen up to what I gotta say
From the book of Timothy, here to convey
The law ain’t for the righteous, but for the fools
Who break the rules, and act like tools
It’s for the sinners, the liars, and the haters
So they can get straight before it’s too late, ya’ll, don’t be traitors!


Verse of the Day Rap of Genesis 2:7!

Now listen up, this is how it all began
God made man from dust, just like a big ol’ fan
He breathed into him, gave him life so cool
But don’t think you’re all that, remember you’re just a tool
So dust yourself off, and remember where you came from
Cause without God’s breath, you’d still be numb!


Verse of the Day Rap of 1 Corinthians 7:2!

Yo, listen up, let me break it down
In 1 Corinthians 7:2, it’s all around
Just like a married man should stick to his wife
And a wife should only rock with her man, for life
But if you’re single, it’s all good, don’t stress
Enjoy the freedom and avoid the mess!


Verse of the Day Rap of Philippians 4:13!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,
I’m flexing on my haters, can’t you see?
I can conquer any obstacle that comes my way,
With Jesus by my side, I’m feeling hella brave.
So bring it on world, I’m ready for the fight,
With God on my team, I’ll be alright!


Verse of the Day Rap of Revelation 14:12!

Yo listen up, keep yo cool, keep it steady
Don’t get caught up in the hype, be ready
Gotta keep it real, keep God in sight
Stay true to him, yo, day and night
Keep the faith, keep the commandments tight
That’s the key to bringin’ heaven to sight