About BibleTronic

Yo, you can’t serve two bosses, it’s a tricky game, You can't love God and money, that’s the claim! Choose your side, don’t straddle the line, One will shine, the other don’t shine. So pick up your cross, let your heart align, Worship the King; let your life be divine!


Don’t just read the Bible Verse of the Day… Rap it!

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Verse of the Day Rap of Zephaniah 3:17!

God’s got your back, never in lack,
He’s the ultimate hype man, stay on track.
With His love, you’ll never crack,
He’s always there to pick up the slack.

So let Him in, don’t be afraid,
His love is the ultimate upgrade.
Dance with joy, no need to hide,
In His presence, you’ll always find your stride!


Verse of the Day Rap of Matthew 22:37-39!

Love the Lord your God with all your heart
And love your neighbor like you love your pop tart
These two things are the key
To living your life with love and glee
So show love to everyone you meet
And you’ll be groovin’ to a righteous beat


Verse of the Day Rap of John 15:12!

Yo listen up, here’s a verse for you
Love each other like I do
Spread that love like it’s a flu
No need for hate or feeling blue
Just show love in all you do

So go ahead and spread that love around
In every city, every town
Let love be the word that’s renowned
And let it lift you up off the ground


Verse of the Day Rap of 1 John 3:18!

Yo, let’s not just talk, let’s walk the walk
Love in action, let’s throw out the talk
No need for lip service, let’s show we care
With our actions loud and clear, everywhere
So let’s stop the bluff and just start doin’
Take a step, show love, let’s keep it movin’


Verse of the Day Rap of Romans 13:10!

Love is the key, unlockin’ hearts with ease,
No need for hate, just spreadin’ peace like a breeze.
Do right by others, treat ’em with respect,
No need for drama, keep the love in check.
So keep it real, show kindness every day,
And watch the hate and anger fade away.


Verse of the Day Rap of Galatians 2:20!

I’ve been crucified with Christ, no cap,
But I’m still livin’, ain’t no cap in that,
It’s not me who’s doing all the moves,
But Christ livin’ in me, givin’ me the groove,
I’m just chillin’, lettin’ Him take the lead,
Livin’ this life in heavenly speed.


Verse of the Day Rap of Luke 6:35!

Yo, show love to your enemies, don’t be sleazy
Do good, don’t be cheesy, you ain’t gotta be greedy
By lending, don’t be needy, generosity is key
And you shall be blessed, just wait and see
So when haters try to diss, just blow ’em a kiss
Spread love, for that’s the realish.


Verse of the Day Rap of Hebrews 3:2!

God’s servant Moses, he’s the real OG,
Building God’s house faithfully, can’t you see?
Moses was cool, but Jesus is greater,
Let’s give Him props, He’s our ultimate creator.
So come on now, give Him some respect,
Jesus is king, show Him love and check.


Verse of the Day Rap of James 2:17!

Yo, faith without works is dead
Don’t just nod your head
Gotta get off that couch instead
And show your faith isn’t misled
Can’t just sit there feeling well-fed
Time to put action where your words are said
Otherwise, you might as well be playing dead


Verse of the Day Rap of Proverbs 21:21!

Keep it real, seek happiness always
Don’t be caught up in a bad mind maze
Work hard, don’t be lazy or sloth
Don’t chase after shiny things, that’s broth
In the end, love will win the race
Staying true will put a smile on your face


Verse of the Day Rap of 2 Timothy 3:4!

In the last days, people will be acting wild,
Chasing money, fame, and always styled.
They’ll be all about themselves, forgettin’ how to share,
Not showin’ love or respect, actin’ like they just don’t care.

But don’t be fooled by them fake players,
Stay true to yourself and faith, be a prayer-sayer!


Verse of the Day Rap of Isaiah 41:10!

Yo, don’t trip, I got you covered, no need to fear
I’m with you always, always near
I’ll strengthen you, always give you a hand
Holding you up, making you stand

So don’t worry ’bout a thing, trust in me
I got your back, just wait and see